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Monday, April 26, 2021

Comparing WordPress and Blogger on Rational Grounds

The importance of content and blog management tool cannot be suppressed and overlooked by any website, and this augments the need to choose the best option for this service. WordPress and Blogger are the two most prominent names in this respect. Bloggers are somehow divided to which one is better for example to work-at-home bloggers. There are various differences between the two based on the personal experience and usage, now let us look at some of them from the rational window. 

Enriched Features

Who would not love to have a system that not only manages the blogs and contents, but also provide additional features for website expansion and enrichment? WordPress initially started as a free CMS to build and maintain a blog and all its pertained features. However, it expanded it power and coverage with the passage of time and now offers a whole new panorama where website templates and paging can be changed and improved. If we compare this with the blogger, we can easily sense Blogger to require more manual power than the built-in power of the blogger itself. If website has to be updated, the web administrator has to spend some quality time and efforts in designing the new template and shifting the website from the older to the new template. So, WordPress goes 1-Nil up in regards of enriched features and less requirement for manpower.


As the number of customers, products and services grows, the need of expanding and improving the website also grows. The Plugin feature in WordPress is one of its greatest strength as it gives the power to a website to expand or modify by incorporating the different plugins supported in the WordPress architecture. The database of WordPress has more than 26,000 plugins which satisfy almost all needs of a website, irrespective of its product category and business model. The same is not true for Blogger which only offers limited extensions and plugins which often are not sufficient for meeting the growing need of flexibility and modification of global suppliers. This make WordPress go 2-Nil up.


One great drawback of Blogger is that your website can lose the template customization and this will also adversely affect the strength of your content. With WordPress, you can create a powerful SEO architecture with definite templates and content tags, so that your content is properly managed and is powerful enough to make its presence count to the search engines. So, 3-Nil to WordPress versus Blogger.


The cost of anything you do for your website is always an important consideration of landing down to a viable option. Though both Blogger and WordPress offer free content management and blogging services; clients have to bear the domain hosting cost when they opt for the WordPress option. In this way, the overall cost of web maintenance increases, and this adds to the investment of the company. This makes WordPress versus Blogger as 3-1. Now, if a company is willing to trade money in return for its better and advance features, then there would not be a second opinion on the decision making between Blogger and WordPress.

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