Google GlassHaving seen various posts and news about Google Glass, you may question what will it do to assist you in your everyday living. This new product of Google may or may not be for you. Especially if you’re outside the United States, Google Glass is only approved for use in this country this time. Here’s what we’ve got so far about Google Glass that you may find interesting.

What Google Glass can do are the following:

1. Take a photo. You only need to use your own voice to capture life’s moment in 5 MP when using Google Glass.
2. Record a video. Without even the need to use your hands, you can capture 720p HD videos as it happens.
3. Share a live video. If you want to have your friends or family see what you see, you can do it with Google Glass.
4. Travel using Google Map. Google Glass can give directions instantly as you travel using the ever reliable Google Map.
5. More usability. Speak to send messages. Get information. Translate your voice practically any language.

See more of the technical specifications and product info online to get to know more about Google Glass.

You can also check how it feels using Google Glass, Know what it does, and learn how to get your first one here:

Here’s one demo by the cofounder of Google himself Sergey Brin Published on June 27, 2012 by the Google Developers on YouTube.