5 Reasons Why it is Advisable to Use Foot Pedal for Home Based Transcription Job

A transcription  foot pedal is a technological device.  It is used to provide hands-free control of digital audio or video via computer software programs.  People use the device most commonly for writing down and preserving spoken monologues, conversations, speeches, a series of events, and even medical dictations.  The pedals are played with your foot (mostly right foot).  Some transcriptions pedals…

7 Real Advantages of Working Home Based

Before we go to what we perceive about the advantages of working home-based, let us share to you what other people think and practically do know about this topic. Many people, but not 100% of the overall population, are interested in working home based.  Because for many of us, setting our own schedule and working from home is a dream…

Take Your Hiring Process to the Next Level

Finding and on-boarding the best talent in the industry is one of the many functions of an HR department. While the process is dynamic, the steps required generally constitute a pattern or a workflow. And a workflow, given the influx of modern-day technology that aims to make life and work a lot easier, can be easily automated.

Top 4 Personal Reasons Why Work Home Based

Finding an office job nowadays is somewhat difficult for some people. That’s why other people prefer working at home. It can be a great privilege to work home based. Because in this manner, you can still do other jobs and responsibilities at home. So most often, the reasons of many people are basically more of personal matters rather than due…

Are There Still Benefits on Article Submission Sites

If you’re posting your articles to article submission sites, think a little more if this activity is still giving benefits to your blog. Some SEO experts say that submitting articles to websites is a viable technique of link building. In a manner that you will get a one-way link to your own blog, they say that article submission sites will…