google Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer networkYou may be experiencing this asking you to type characters and submit when searching some words using Google. You may wonder how come Google is asking you to verify you’re a real person doing the search. This happens when you do the search very abruptly because you are not getting the answers that you want.

Computer networks, the best-known of which is the Internet, are the core of modern communication.  With the continuing advances in technology and expanse of related industries, the rising number and types of users extended from researchers to home users.  Various sets of users, enterprises and content providers are interconnected from business-business (B2B), business-consumer (B2C) and consumer-consumer (C2C) communication, thus, resulting to problems in Computer Network ‘Unusual Traffic’.

Browsers like Google may be alarmed with a message that states, “Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network.” Not all home activities and internet connections are monitored by Google. It sends messages to users as per request.  It suspects of infected computers or automated programs called ‘scrapers’ used to scavenge search results.

Another reason may be because when computer connections use public IP address like public proxy server.  Google might be triggering the messages from other network users and not of the home user. Too many manual searches done by the user for that short period of time may also be a cause. There is no need therefore to get alarmed for no long-term impact would result according to Mitchell. However, users don’t favor ignoring the traffic.

Computer Networks ‘unusual traffic’ congestion occurs due to service quality deterioration, when so much data is carried by a link or node. What follows are queuing delay, packet loss or blocking of new connections. It is recommended to refrain for making so much Google searches for a few minutes.  Google might be used too much in that short period.

On the side of network administrators, they use the computer network traffic control, a process of managing, prioritizing, controlling or reducing network traffic in the Internet bandwidth management. With this they could reduce congestion, latency and packet loss. For effective results, they measure the network traffic in determining the cause and attack the problems specifically.