Home Based Transcription Advantages

home based transcription

home based transcription

Home based transcription is something that anyone who comprehends English and can type and listen to it well can easily do. One of the few advantages is you get to plan your schedule according to your requirements meaning that you won’t be having stiff job hours.

You will work from the comfort of your bedroom or study room. If you’re into home based transcription, you will feel comfortable and it may even motivate you to renounce your work. The profession allows extreme flexibility.

In the field of home based transcription time is lax around you to take care of your family. You also get to choose the kind of work you want to do. You do not have to take up all types of work.

It’s really cheap to set up your work space because it only requires a computer, a set of head phones and high speed internet connection in the start. Home based transcription is cost-effective. This saves not only time but also a substantial amount of money that would have been otherwise spent commuting to and from office. You no longer need to invest in office wear, saving costs further.

Perhaps the biggest plus point to Home based transcription is that there is no boundary at all for your income. Your job depends on dedication and time put into it. There is nothing to stop you from continuously upgrading your position when you work from home.

Categories: About Transcription
Hanna Lorraine Ropero
Home based transcription requires to work on his/her own, without any supervision. Working without supervision and guidance can be extremely challenging. If you cannot handle crisis situations on your own, this field is not for you.
14 June 10 at 16:03
Flexibility has to be considered one of the major advantages to working as a medical transcriptionist at home and allow me to set my own schedule. I may have to follow that schedule as well as possible once it is set, but in most cases I can change it fairly easily. Flexibility of working at home gives me freedom. I can schedule my doctor’s appointments, important meetings, or other works during regular business hours.
The pay is also pretty good once I will get going. At home employees and contractors are typically paid per line not per hour, so it really does depend on my skills. In this job, I do not need to commute to, and it is very possible to earn more. I can save money on conveyance, and lower my expenses.
The work can be also fascinating while I enjoy learning about medical issues. I also hear about some very interesting situations. I can also get to spend more time with my family and working at home gives me more time especially with my children.
It is also fun while I enjoy improving my vocabulary. No matter how well I learned my terminology in training, at some point a doctor will throw something unfamiliar at you in a dictation and you’ll have to figure out what it is.
19 June 10 at 17:39
This job is what I’ve been interested in throughout my career. I want to have a job and earn money while I work at home. I like to work at home so I don’t have to worry about my allowance everyday for lunch, snacks and transportation fee. Since I will be working from home I can eat without spending. I can save a lot. I don’t have to wake up early so I won’t be late for work. I don’t have to ride the jeepney and suffer from the pollution. I don’t have to leave my house and travel for one hour to go to work and I’m not going to be late, because I won’t expect heavy traffic while going to work. I don’t need to buy and wear business attire. My feet will not hurt, because I will not wear high-heeled shoes. There won’t be a dress code. I can wear whatever I want. I can handle my own time. I don’t need to ask permission to anyone for breaks. I can have a break anytime but I would still make sure that I’ll finish my work on time. I need an additional income. This job is perfect for me. It’s what I’ve been wanting to have.
7 July 10 at 02:09