Originally posted:  June 27, 2008

Home-based audio transcription is increasingly popular in the Philippines.  A lot of audio transcriptionists or sometimes called as transcribers  nowadays are trying to get clients directly from the source. Through the advent of internet, many Filipino transcriptionists are able to get jobs or voice files from the USA, Australia or even in the UK.

TranscriptionWith appropriate skills and equipment, one can start immediately at the own comfort of your home.  One must consider several factors in starting a career in home based transcription. In the Philippines, since majority of Filipinos have good grasp of the English language, they can immediately acquire the trust of transcription clients all over the world.

Audio transcription in Philippines dates back to early 2000 when medical transcription became profitable for business process outsourcing companies.  Since then, the Philippines becomes the first choice of US and the UK to source out their medical transcription work.