Associate Writers (AWs) Writing Update

Hi to All AWs, Welcome to our new website! Soon, new writing jobs will be posted.  Always visit our website for further announcements!  Happy writing!

Philippine Transcription Industry

  Transcription industry is enormously growing in the Philippines. This business is believed to take its leap in the next few years just as the call center did. Many individuals and businesses are now taking into consideration of this foreseen event.  Medical transcription seems to be a promising business.

My First Transcription

I remember my first transcription, using pen and paper with cassette recorder on the side. As per my recall, it was way back my freshman year at CLSU listening to the song Ligaya by the Eraserheads. I record the song from the radio using a used cassette tape. At that time, it was too costly buying an original one.  And…

General Transcription Overview

  General transcription covers extensive collections of transcription jobs. It is a specialized form of transcription wherein the transcriptionist work on audio files with topics usually of business related. The transcript is mostly posted on the company website or circulated amongst employees.  When we say GenTrans, it may include interviews, group meetings, business transcripts, podcasts, monologs, personal voice blog, presentations,…