Disney World’s Magic Kingdom: A Once in a Lifetime Experience

It was my childhood dream to actually meet those characters I used to see on television and read about in books, be it Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck or Goofy or Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. All this became reality when I got a chance to visit the Magic Kingdom in Disney World. The out of the world experience to be…

Top 5 Home Based Internet Jobs Aside From Writing

You need to earn money in order to survive. Most people normally work from an office location or a physical space along with everyone involved with the organization to earn money. With the dawn of the computer and the Internet, home based jobs via the Internet have become a popular option for those who want to earn money without having…

Reasons Why Home-Based Online Writing is Popular

Because of various reasons, the popularity of home-based online writing keeps on growing nowadays. The main reason for this is the advancement of new technology. The technology nowadays is so popular that it aids everyone’s needs. In almost every aspect of our lives, we depend on the Internet – assignments and researches are just some. That is why companies and…

Why Use Laptop for Home Based Transcription

To discuss why and reasons This post is in reply to one of the readers of my blog who is also working — I believe as a medical transcriptionist — in Saudi Arabia. When I buy my HP laptop (to be used for my home based medical transcription) in Jarir Bookstore way back in 2007, I submitted the following: REQUIREMENTS…

A Non-Smoker’s Viewpoint Is Idealistic

I want to become an advocate of banning tobacco products in the world. It may sound idealistic. This may seem rather a very personal opinion or somewhat unrealistic since a lot of tobacco farmers will lose their job. But nonetheless, this seems not to happen in the near future even if there are a lot of groups all over the…

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