Transcriptionists Profiles – KATH

Archie: Welcome to The Transcriptionists Profiles, a series of interviews with people who are working as transcriptionists. My name is Archie, the author/administrator of Transcription Blog. Today, I’ll be talking to KATH. Hello KATH, welcome to the interview. It’s nice to have you.

KATH: Thank you.

Archie: First, please tell me what is your profession or job now (current designation, e.g. senior MT) and where are you located?

KATH: I am currently helping my mom with her tutorial at home and just doing some home-based transcription work on my free time.

Archie: How did you end up being a transcriptionist now? How long have you been working as a transcriptionist?

KATH: Well, my uncle encouraged me to study medical transcription and I graduated from that course. Now I’m doing home-based because I and my husband are planning to start a family.

Archie: If given a chance, do you like to work home based or office based? Why (briefly)?

KATH: For me, in my present situation, I’d like to work home-based. It’s convenient for me since we’re planning to start a family. Though I know the compensation is not big enough, but it’s better staying at home doing transcription than nothing.

Archie: Given the type of transcription to work with, which one do you prefer: Medical, General (Business, podcasts, interviews), or Legal Transcription.

KATH: General and legal transcriptions are my options. Medical transcriptions are difficult because you really need to be very careful. A lot of medical terms that needs to be studied and understand.

Archie: Give one trait or quality to become effective or productive transcriptionist?

KATH: I guess having the right attitude towards work is the best quality for the job.

Archie: Lastly, what advice can you give to aspiring transcriptionist?

KATH: Be patient and persevere in whatever you do. Give everything you have for a good quality transcription.

Archie: Thank you for your time today.

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One Response to “Transcriptionists Profiles – KATH”

  1. aby says:

    Nice one sir archie!

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